% module-setup --init --flavor-class=+XSFlavor xs
% module-setup Your::Module xs
package XSFlavor; use strict; use warnings; use base 'Module::Setup::Flavor'; 1; =head1 XSFlavor - pack from xs =head1 SYNOPSIS XSFlavor-setup --init --flavor-class=+XSFlavor new_flavor =cut __DATA__ --- file: .shipit template: | steps = FindVersion, ChangeVersion, CheckChangeLog, DistTest, Commit, Tag, MakeDist, UploadCPAN svk.tagpattern = release-%v --- file: ____var-module_file-var____.xs template: | #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif #include "EXTERN.h" #include "perl.h" #include "XSUB.h" #include "ppport.h" #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif typedef SV * [% module.replace('::', '_')%]; MODULE = [% module %] PACKAGE = [% module %] [% module.replace('::', '_') %] new(...) INIT: char *classname; /* get the class name if called as an object method */ if ( sv_isobject(ST(0)) ) { classname = HvNAME(SvSTASH(SvRV(ST(0)))); } else { classname = (char *)SvPV_nolen(ST(0)); } CODE: /* This is a standard hash-based object */ RETVAL = ([% module.replace('::', '_') %])newHV(); /* Single init value */ if ( items == 2 ) hv_store((HV *)RETVAL, "value", 5, newSVsv(ST(1)), 0); /* name/value pairs */ else if ( (items-1)%2 == 0 ) { int i; for ( i=1; i < items; i += 2 ) { hv_store_ent((HV *)RETVAL, ST(i), newSVsv(ST(i+1)), 0); } } /* odd number of parameters */ else { Perl_croak(aTHX_ "Usage: [% module %]->new()\n" " or [% module %]->new(number)\n" " or [% module %]->new(key => value, ...)\n" ); } OUTPUT: RETVAL IV increment(obj) [% module.replace('::', '_') %] obj INIT: RETVAL = 0; if ( items > 1 ) Perl_croak(aTHX_ "Usage: [% module %]->increment()"); CODE: SV **svp; if ((svp = hv_fetch((HV*)obj, "value", 5, FALSE))) { RETVAL = SvIV(*svp); RETVAL++; hv_store((HV *)obj, "value", 5, newSViv(RETVAL), 0); } OUTPUT: RETVAL --- file: Changes template: | Revision history for Perl extension [% module %] 0.01 [% localtime %] - original version --- file: Makefile.PL template: |+ use inc::Module::Install; name '[% dist %]'; all_from 'lib/[% module_path %].pm'; # requires ''; tests 't/*.t'; author_tests 'xt'; cc_inc_paths '.'; can_cc or die 'This module requires a C compiler'; build_requires 'Test::More'; use_test_base; auto_include; WriteAll; sub MY::post_constants { return <<"POST_CONST"; XSUBPPARGS += -typemap typemap POST_CONST } --- file: MANIFEST.SKIP template: | \bRCS\b \bCVS\b ^MANIFEST\. ^Makefile$ ~$ ^# \.old$ ^blib/ ^pm_to_blib ^MakeMaker-\d \.gz$ \.cvsignore ^t/9\d_.*\.t ^t/perlcritic ^tools/ \.svn/ ^[^/]+\.yaml$ ^[^/]+\.pl$ ^\.shipit$ --- file: README template: | This is Perl module [% module %]. INSTALLATION [% module %] installation is straightforward. If your CPAN shell is set up, you should just be able to do % cpan [% module %] Download it, unpack it, then build it as per the usual: % perl Makefile.PL % make && make test Then install it: % make install DOCUMENTATION [% module %] documentation is available as in POD. So you can do: % perldoc [% module %] to read the documentation online with your favorite pager. [% config.author %] --- file: typemap template: | ############################################################################### ## ## Typemap for [% module %] objects ## ## Copyright (c) [% config.author %] ## All rights reserved. ## ## This typemap is designed specifically to make it easier to handle ## Perl-style blessed objects in XS. In particular, it takes care of ## blessing the object into the correct class (even for derived classes). ## ## ############################################################################### ## vi:et:sw=4 ts=4 TYPEMAP [% module.replace('::', '_') %] T_PTROBJ_SPECIAL INPUT T_PTROBJ_SPECIAL if (sv_derived_from($arg, \"${(my $ntt=$ntype)=~s/_/::/g;\$ntt}\")) { $var = SvRV($arg); } else croak(\"$var is not of type ${(my $ntt=$ntype)=~s/_/::/g;\$ntt}\") OUTPUT T_PTROBJ_SPECIAL /* inherited new() */ if ( strcmp(classname,\"${(my $ntt=$ntype)=~s/_/::/g;\$ntt}\") != 0 ) $arg = sv_bless(newRV_noinc($var), gv_stashpv(classname,TRUE)); else $arg = sv_bless(newRV_noinc($var), gv_stashpv(\"${(my $ntt=$ntype)=~s/_/::/g;\$ntt}\",TRUE)); --- file: lib/____var-module_path-var____.pm template: | package [% module %]; use strict; use warnings; #use base qw(Exporter); #our @EXPORT_OK = (); our $VERSION = '0.01'; require XSLoader; XSLoader::load(__PACKAGE__, $VERSION); 1; __END__ =head1 NAME [% module %] - =head1 SYNOPSIS use [% module %]; =head1 DESCRIPTION [% module %] is =head1 AUTHOR [% config.author %] E<lt>[% config.email %]E<gt> =head1 SEE ALSO =head1 LICENSE This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. =cut --- file: t/00_compile.t template: | use strict; use Test::More tests => 1; BEGIN { use_ok '[% module %]' } --- file: xt/01_podspell.t template: | use Test::More; eval q{ use Test::Spelling }; plan skip_all => "Test::Spelling is not installed." if $@; add_stopwords(map { split /[\s\:\-]/ } <DATA>); $ENV{LANG} = 'C'; all_pod_files_spelling_ok('lib'); __DATA__ [% config.author %] [% config.email %] [% module %] --- file: xt/02_perlcritic.t template: | use strict; use Test::More; eval { require Test::Perl::Critic; Test::Perl::Critic->import( -profile => 'xt/perlcriticrc'); }; plan skip_all => "Test::Perl::Critic is not installed." if $@; all_critic_ok('lib'); --- file: xt/03_pod.t template: | use Test::More; eval "use Test::Pod 1.00"; plan skip_all => "Test::Pod 1.00 required for testing POD" if $@; all_pod_files_ok(); --- file: xt/perlcriticrc template: | [TestingAndDebugging::ProhibitNoStrict] allow=refs --- plugin: plugin.pm template: | package XSFlavor::Plugin; use strict; use warnings; use base 'Module::Setup::Plugin'; use Devel::PPPort; use File::Spec; sub register { my $self = shift; $self->add_trigger( after_create_skeleton => \&create_ppport_process ); $self->add_trigger( after_setup_template_vars => \&add_template_vars ); } sub create_ppport_process { my $self = shift; $self->log( "Creating ppport.h" ); Devel::PPPort::WriteFile( File::Spec->catfile( $self->distribute->dist_path, 'ppport.h' ) ); } sub add_template_vars { my ( $self, $template_vars ) = @_; my ( $module_file ) = $template_vars->{ module } =~ m#(?:.*::)?(.*)$#; $template_vars->{ module_file } = $module_file; } 1; --- config: plugins: - Config::Basic - Template - Test::Makefile - Additional - +XSFlavor::Plugin