del.icio.usからlivedoor Clipにデータを移行するためのモジュール
#!/usr/local/bin/perl use strict; use WWW::SyncSBS::D2L; my $d2l = WWW::SyncSBS::D2L->new; $d2l->livedoor_id('your_ld_id'); $d2l->livedoor_pw('your_ld_pw'); $d2l->sync;WWW::SyncSBS::D2Lの本体は↓です。
package WWW::SyncSBS::D2L; use strict; use Carp; use HTML::Entities (); use WWW::Mechanize; use URI; use XML::Simple; use base qw(Class::Accessor::Fast); use Encode; __PACKAGE__->mk_accessors(qw(mech livedoor_id livedoor_pw debug)); sub new { my($class, $args) = @_; my $self = bless { debug => 0, }, $class; if ($args && ref($args) eq 'HASH') { for my $method (keys %$args) { if ($class->can($method)) { $class->$method($args->{$method}); } } } return $self->_init; } sub sync { my $self = shift; $self->login_livedoor_clip unless $self->{_logged_in}; my $posted = $self->parse_delicious_bookmark; $self->clip_to_livedoor($posted); } sub login_livedoor_clip { my $self = shift; unless ($self->livedoor_id && $self->livedoor_pw) { croak('set your livedoor_id and livedoor_pw before login.'); } unless ($self->_has_clip_account) { croak('register to livedoor clip before using this module.'); } my $res = $self->mech->get(''); $self->mech->submit_form( form_name => 'loginForm', fields => { livedoor_id => $self->livedoor_id, password => $self->livedoor_pw, }, ); # XXX login checking (WWW::Mechanize->uri() doesn't work correct). $self->mech->get(''); $self->{_logged_in} = $self->mech->uri =~ m{^http://clip\.livedoor\.com/} ? 1 : 0; unless ($self->{_logged_in}) { croak("failed to login to livedoor clip."); } } sub _has_clip_account { my $self = shift; my $myclip_url = sprintf('', $self->livedoor_id); my $res = $self->mech->get($myclip_url); return $res->is_success ? 1 : 0; } sub _init { my $self = shift; unless ($self->mech) { my $mech = WWW::Mechanize->new; $mech->agent_alias('Windows IE 6'); $self->mech($mech); } if ($self->livedoor_id && $self->livedoor_pw) { $self->mech->login_livedoor_clip; } return $self; } sub parse_delicious_bookmark { my $self = shift; my $feed = $self->_get_content(); my @posted = $self->_parse_feed($feed); return \@posted; } # XXX parse using regexp sub _parse_feed { my($self, $feed) = @_; my @posted_data = (); my $xml = XMLin($feed); for my $post (@{$xml->{post}}) { my $title = $post->{description}; my $url = $post->{href}; my $summary = $post->{extended}; my @tags = $post->{tag} eq 'system:unfiled' ? () : split(/ /, encode('utf8', $post->{tag})); my $data = { title => encode('utf8', $title) || '', url => encode('utf8', $url) || '', summary => encode('utf8', $summary) || '', tags => \@tags, }; push @posted_data, $data; } return @posted_data; } sub get_bookmark_count { my($self, $feed) = @_; my $count; if ($feed =~ m{(\d+)}; unless ($count) { $count = scalar($feed =~ m{ (.+?) }sg); } } return ($count || 0); } sub _get_content { open(FH, "all.xml"); my $f = join('',); close(FH); return $f; } sub clip_to_livedoor { my($self, $data) = @_; for my $posted (@$data) { my $uri = URI->new(''); $uri->query_form( link => $posted->{url}, jump => 'page', tags => join(' ', @{$posted->{tags}}), title => $posted->{title}, notes => $posted->{summary}, ); my $add_url = $uri->as_string; my $res = eval { $self->mech->get($add_url) }; if ($res && $res->is_success) { eval { $self->mech->submit_form(form_name => 'clip') }; if ($@) { carp("can't submit: " . $posted->{url}); } } else { carp("fail to clip $add_url HTTP Status: " . $res->code); } } } 1;